
What in the hell is a Megabanger Garden in Spring? It's part of Grit's rowdy rundown of MUSTS for the 4th, including show times, the best and worst flag swimsuits, and a wicked sweet surfboard

Confession: I went for the smaller acts. Here's my take on the big show at the Family Circle Stadium last week, plus photos and my favorite act of the night

To round out our salty countdown series, Grit's added "Best Summer Town in America" to Charleston's list of accolades. No kidding, see for yourself... Plus SMART shark avoidance tips you need

On Saturday, I headed down to Brittlebank Park to check out Charleston Beer Garden. It had music and food trucks and carnival-style vendors, but perhaps more interesting is what I didn't find...

Post-grad success: A resume ripe with internships? An impressive corporate position? Or maybe it's being genuinely happy with a not-so-perfect plan. A recent article in "The Week" has me wondering...

Prep your puppies (take care of your feet), don't overdo the booze, and know your best angle... camera angle, that is. Here are 5 tried-and-true tips for behind-the-scenes brilliance

Friday, local band Crowfield will play one last blowout at the Chas Music Hall. I sat down with frontman Tyler Mechem to talk about their breakup, the finale show, and what's next for the bandmates

Though you sure can't learn the definition of ironic from Alanis Morissette, I discovered Saturday night that if you listen closely, the Charleston duo Shovels & Rope can teach you a thing or two...

After a Saturday night full of food (I'm talking vats of oysters and an open-faced pig roast) and dancing, we scouted out two of the highlights of SEWE weekend: those swooping birds and diving dogs

The musician from Fowler's Mustache who nearly lost his life last summer quietly took to the stage last night, covering Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" and reminding us to embrace the little things

There was plenty of chatter over whether Tim was spot on in his assessment of Luke Cunningham's performance in particular...

Dirty dancing, gelled hair, spillage, and usually, a good show—here's what a night out on Upper King looks like for the 25-and-under crowd (warning: some of it's not pretty... but, yes, entertaining)

When you perform at the Music Hall, make no mistake: it's SHOWTIME. How did the local acts do? Here's my take on performances by Luke Cunningham, Slow Runner, and the Explorer's Club

Only 3% think Charleston's dating pool is "well-stocked?" And a whopping 70% average just one or fewer dates per month? If you're single (or thankful not to be), you've got to read this

Oh, it sounds tough. But I can predict who comes out on top of every single one of these "contests." Every time. Am I that good, or is it true that the house always wins... Find out here.

This is what I get for watching daytime television: a barrel of tears and a weighty question. Is who we AREN'T just as important as who we are?

The Daily Beast just ranked Charleston the #4 Drunkest City in America (ahead of New Orleans AND Vegas, mind you). What do you think? Shall we sober up or belly up and have another?

Last Wednesday, I set out in search of traditional Irish music. Instead I found Gerry Kieran, no live music, a bottle of Connemara, and a damn good clubhouse

My play-by-play rundown (including photos!) of Saturday's Southern Ground opening day, from the complainers in line to a run-in with Zac Brown to the madcap musicians onstage... Wow.

It's been said lately that the color most associated with American food is beige. Beige?! Now that's just depressing. It's time to work some nutritious Roy G. Biv action into our day-to-day diets