
Dirty dancing, gelled hair, spillage, and usually, a good show—here's what a night out on Upper King looks like for the 25-and-under crowd (warning: some of it's not pretty... but, yes, entertaining)

Only 3% think Charleston's dating pool is "well-stocked?" And a whopping 70% average just one or fewer dates per month? If you're single (or thankful not to be), you've got to read this

Last week, blogger Tim Brennan got us thinking about artist-types and their predilection to suicide. As a psychiatrist, I had to weigh in (also, college kids? You need to read this)

Sex, drugs, and... well, suicide sells. Why artist types can't imagine themselves out of misery, and why the music industry can't get enough of it. (Caution: I don't have answers, just big questions)

The Daily Beast just ranked Charleston the #4 Drunkest City in America (ahead of New Orleans AND Vegas, mind you). What do you think? Shall we sober up or belly up and have another?

Did you know that too many carbs can literally sugar-coat the skin (and not in a good way...)? And what happens when you skimp on sleep? Here are my quick fixes...

A trip to The Pour House to see one of my current favorites (The Royal Tinfoil) yielded the bonus of discovering another (The Whiskey Gentry)

Do you know which holiday your cactus likes to celebrate? Read on for the tools you need to decide if you should buy it some cranberry sauce, garland, or jelly beans

There's been a lot of buzz around this year's presidential race and we're not just talking Obama and Romney. Check out some of the politically steeped brews that have made headlines this year

Last Wednesday, I set out in search of traditional Irish music. Instead I found Gerry Kieran, no live music, a bottle of Connemara, and a damn good clubhouse

One fellow blogger called this her "favorite post so far on Grit." What do YOU think?

I love street people. They're friendly, candid, neighborly folk. Recently, I enjoyed top-notch football banter with (and got a top-notch haircut from) my Spring Street friends

It seems the more popular a sport gets, the more aggressive its fans become. A recent documentary has me musing: Is fan violence an inherent tendency? Or rather one fueled by a person's environ?

Don't bet on football, frat tats are sad, seniors are older not wiser, the world doesn't care if you fail out—here's my (free!) advice for incoming CofC and Citadel students this week

How disgusting, revolting, icky rock bands stay healthy. (Photo: the men's room at iconic CBGBs in NYC, now closed. Note: no door)

So the 60-day alcohol ban on Folly's now in effect. Take our poll and tell us what you think—and read some of the hilarious comments in response (the leash and shark comments are fantastic)

A family reunion, summer camp-style—complete with basketball, climbing walls, fishing derbies, and fireworks—serves as a good reminder of how to live year-round

Here's some food for thought just in time for your weekend: In our Blog of the Week, Dr. Abess makes anxiety out to be a friendly motivator rather than a big fat burden to lug around on your shoulders

Without anxiety, we might be pretty useless people. This, and the recent bus bullying video gone viral, begs the question: are we instilling ENOUGH of these jitters in our children?

It's a tough call, and us children of the 80s have it bad when weighing in on this gal's legacy (somehow, Jacko's was a little easier)