
This one was unanimous... give Grit editors a hot topic and a well-communicated opinion on it, and we're in. Read on to hear more opinions and weigh in with what you think of this new release

In Charleston, beach season means business... hit the sand with a solid look like Sean Connery in lieu of that unflattering parachute/back-fat look (not good). Plus, the one mistake that trumps all

Brad Paisley's new song, "Accidental Racist," has a lot of people talking. Is all the hype warranted? Is it even good music? Here's my take (and a peek at the lyrics)

Have you ever thought about these mysterious entertainers? You can sometimes find one on King Street, between Calhoun and Market, but is it a true art form or sidewalk game of pretend? I asked one...

Recommended reading for anyone taking on the bridge tomorrow—we loved getting new Bridge Run Hall of Fame inductee Rives Poe's takes on what to do, what not to do, even how to eat...

Folks, we have a hell of a weekend ahead of us.... One. Hell. Of. A. Weekend. Here’s to Uncle John and his Wolverines, the Bridge Run, and a Beilein sweep of them both (sort of)

Well, maybe I didn't WIN. But here's some clips from my shot on game show Let's Ask America and a Q & A with host Kevin Pereira and one of the other Charleston contestants. Pants optional.

Ever wonder who those folks in the first Bridge Run corral are? You know, the ones lining up with the Kenyans? I caught up with one of them, Rives Poe, to find out what super powers make her so speedy

Think before you judge—or better yet, don't do it at all, said Rebeccah this week in "5 Things I Never Want to Hear Again." Amen, sister...

Now that Fashion Week's behind us, it's time to call attention to the catwalkers who made the show. From the standout youngsters to the most dedicated, here they are: The CFW Model Superlatives

In this week's flurry of fashion-filled posts, one especially stood out. Take a read to learn a lesson in style--in both the posing variety, and the prose

Sleep is becoming more elusive by the day... A Cynthia Rowley soiree with Fern Mallis, modeling scouts, and loving Afriyie Poku's standing O. Plus Loren's Macintosh/Cocktail Club after-party wrap-up

"Mommy Wars," "Having it All," the trendy new definition of a "Real" Woman... Here's a list of ridiculous things about parenting and well, LIVING, that ought to be chucked from everyday discourse

Eudora Welty, JK Rowling, and Oscar Wilde turn heads at Fashion Week—well, kind of. Here's to stylish prose guiding striking poses, plus bold statements, good composition, and wise editing all around

Prep your puppies (take care of your feet), don't overdo the booze, and know your best angle... camera angle, that is. Here are 5 tried-and-true tips for behind-the-scenes brilliance

Assistant model coach Bergen shares a peek at the last day of CFW model rehearsals before the runways go live

Musing on conclaves and rising smoke, metaphysics and physics, with insight from two of Charleston's keenest minds: Stephen Colbert and John Keller. Plus, global career advice for all you CofC-ers

We're on the hunt for an outspoken, in-the-know blogger to cover the nightlife and society scene around Charleston. Read on to see what we're looking for and details for how to apply TODAY!

Evans gives us one word for great style, and you won't find it in your closet. Plus, leftover make-up anyone? She's got words for that hideosity, too.

If you missed the Shovels & Rope show last Saturday, this is your must-read review. Like us, you'll make sure you get tickets next time...