Heard of Pink Dot Beauty Bar? Better question: Heard of a beauty bar that stashes Budweiser for the gents as their gals sharpen their image? I've got a Q&A with its owner to fill you in...
The Royal Tinfoil gets weird in the recording studio in West Ashley as the band members work on their new album. Hint: having a liquor store next door is a PLUS....
Have you ever thought about these mysterious entertainers? You can sometimes find one on King Street, between Calhoun and Market, but is it a true art form or sidewalk game of pretend? I asked one...
"There isn't a bad seat in the house..." My former Wando High classmate Charlton Singleton on Charleston Jazz Orchestra’s “Atomic Basie” shows (this Saturday night!), a must-see this weekend
Tights... leggings... they're pretty much interchangeable, no? NO. CofC student Kate sets the record straight with regards to this fashion fine line. Gals, take a listen
Our part of the world offers a killer backdrop, and plenty of filmmaking talent. But now that South Carolina has lost its competitive film incentives, we're losing location opps right and left
"Time tricks," asking for help, giving negative people the boot... I'm hitting the New Year with a cheat sheet for finding balance with family, work, and everything in between. What are your tricks?
The guys in A Fragile Tomorrow have friends in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Yet locally, the power pop stars are virtually ignored. How 'bout we all take notice? We can start with their show TOMORROW
They may have rhythm, good looks, and a magnetic personality, but I bet they don't have a refrigerator that looks like an amp. Here's this and more great gift ideas (from an award-winning blogger...)
Do yourself a favor and read this: Local kids, too young to drink, set to release a CD with a major record producer at the controls. Why? There's much to A Fragile Tomorrow that may surprise you...
I spoke with Zac Brown Band's Clay Cook about his musical roots (which include having—already—played in five huge acts), his pal John Mayer, Home Team BBQ, and what's in store for this weekend
It seems the more popular a sport gets, the more aggressive its fans become. A recent documentary has me musing: Is fan violence an inherent tendency? Or rather one fueled by a person's environ?
This was a plum blog for so many reasons (i.e. oh, how we love good anecdotal hilarity at Grit) but the one thing that hooked us? We'll tell you here...
... And as good as ever. The trio stopped by the North Charleston PAC on Wednesday, sharing songs from their new album, beloved 90's hits, and some top-notch entertainment
Adding childcare rooms to bars, drug insanity, whether I’m the creepy old guy at the end of the bar, YES you can buy me a beer, and a dozen other sleep-deprived musings
Feeling like a "legit yogi," Claire tries Bikram yoga without following a single recommendation on how to prepare for the toasty experience. Here's now NOT to do it...
Charleston local Leda Jackson's done it again. You've got to check out these cute smock dresses and sweet apron suits; plus, the skinny on her trunk show