Seen & Heard

Plus! A couple o' festive cats and dogs to get you in the holiday spirit. Trust us—you'll love these guys...

I went into the old downtown theater a little bah humbug, hoping the revelry of it all would turn me back out onto Queen Street buzzing with Christmas spirit. Hmmm... did it work?

Last week brought a deluge of tributes to the late president. Here's one more, courtesy of an old sailor I met right here in Charleston at the Yorktown. But can you trust the yarns of an old sailor?

Plus! Highlights from Pecha Kuchas past, including talks by Ben Williams, Buff Ross, and Heather Koonses, and where you can go to find more...

You're familiar with Colonial Lake, sure—but here's a gorgeous look at it you likely haven't seen...

After vandals destroyed one of the Peoples Building's leopard statues in 2011, one was left lonely for more than two years. The other day, though, I drove past and saw a second leopard! Here she is..

Better hurry... America's Got Talent is holding auditions soon in Hotlanta, and they're looking for you. Here's all the info about how to get your mad singing/dancing/juggling skills on camera

Take a look at this collection of epitaphs to see how five locals have been memorialized. What do you want YOUR tombstone to read?

Grit blogger Hunter Boone sent this press release over—a good heads-up for anyone looking for a solid small-screen cameo or two

Did you hit the celebrity spelling bee last night at the Alley? We did, and we've got all the hilariously inappropriate highlights, a zillion photos, plus the curiously large trophy

When's the next Colonial Lake-side bash? Coming up in a few weeks—here are all the details, including a bangin' list of restaurants and bakeries on board to sweeten the pot, plus ticket info

"Dang! What's with all these books?" Better question: does Charleston still have any treasures yet undiscovered? (Spoiler: This blog answers neither of those questions...)

Have you seen it? Here's the mission behind the baby book collection, plus where you can find it

"It's been 15 minutes and you haven't even gotten our drink order!" The rant heard 'round the restaurant, and why the job of a server can look a lot like Steve Irwin... wrangling snakes

I attended the Under The Sun Tour at the North Charleston Coliseum and realized a) the music of my youth is now considered "oldies" and b) the lead singer of Smash Mouth really sucks

Instead of turning and smashing a whiny lady's phone on the ground in the DMV the other day, I pondered our knuckle-headed knack for complaining. As they say, "Ain't nobody got time for that..."

UPDATED WITH TOP 10! A sweet (and sour and spicy...) local surprise on Bon Appetit's 50 nominees for Best New Restaurant 2013. Plus, we'll tell you where your next foodie vacation needs to be...

If Real World Charleston is indeed in the works (as threatened), will the petition currently circulating the Holy City change MTV minds? Maybe don't hold your breath

On Tuesday, three rehabilitated sea turtles swam home from IOP County Park. Here are 15+ photos of the big event...

A morning glimpse at Folly Beach—the ocean worshippers, the wall of love, the shell-soaked shoes... Drink it in, Charleston