Seemingly Sane 2U

Is our society drifting past politically correct to presumptuously correct? If we see it on social media, it has to be true, right? Let's get back to the truth, no matter how agenda-less it is

The life and works of Edgar Allen Poe at the Dock Street? I mean really... is there more haunting a trio than Charleston, Halloween, and this dark and brooding writer? Here's a sneak peek

Halloween—the one night of the year I get to strip myself of sanity, flip the switch, and be somebody totally different

One dead leaf does not a fall make. But... after digging up chilly journal entries from a snowed-in stint a few years ago, I figure palmetto fronds rustling in the wind are as good a sign as any

Need a swift kick to get you going? Try imagining someone telling you you CAN'T.

You know that pair—they are worn-in just right, fit like a glove, make your butt look so good, and then... they die. Where do you go from there?

There's a little more in our blood than triglycerides and cholesterol, sometimes we come face to face with our DNA

Sifting through a box, I ran across a Dixie Chicks CD. The angst and separation of war seeped through its case, the controversy, the shouting...After this 9/11 anniversary, are we on the mend?

Fish don't care whether you show up in a PFG Columbia Fishing shirt with mosquito repellent in the fabric or a tank top, with a $20 lure or a $3-buck can of worms—they'll bite when they bite

Is the truth as elusive as Sasquatch or as original as a fingerprint? From the looks of some Facebook posts leading up to November, truth and opinion seem to have cloned one another

Unhappiness doesn't stick while you're dancing. It's how I got my groove back, and I recommend it anywhere and everywhere

This is one blogger who knows how to sniff a silver lining out of any old summer storm cloud. Renae's post had a few on the Grit team dabbing their eyes...

It's their first day of school and you've got the house all to yourself. Just what you've been waiting for... right?

A morning of chaotic twists and turns made me second-guess the safety of being in my own company. It wasn't until I was clumsily led to a can of SpaghettiO's that I understood why

Whispers of the past, adventures of the present, and the hopeful dreams of a boy in Massachusetts all collide at the Sewee Shell Ring in Awendaw

When posting a blog on Grit, I'm prompted to choose a category that best suits the post. My frequent label, "Mixed Messages," has helped me define myself as an artist

Facing down the Great Outdoors, and getting a little back, too. Here's a look at how I fared, including a little Sunday morning surprise

There are many adventures ready to be had here in the Lowcountry. Some just require a bit of gas, an RC Cola, and a willingness to turn down that unfamiliar road

I'm learning now that passion is what you shout out loud with your life. It doesn't necessarily mean people are going to like your spillage, but it is how people will identify with you

Andy Griffith and his fictitious North Carolina town offer a lesson in how we ought to stop waiting, start doing, and understand what reality really is—hunting down the "good" story in our own lives