A Quick Trip to Canada

Joan Perry

I haven't been keeping up the "daily photo" entries lately but I have good excuses for my absence! My family was having a get together in Canada and I made a last minute dash to the border on Friday afternoon. I left my car at the hospital and went directly to the airport. Many thanks to family members who did the airport run to fetch and carry the south of the border member.

I got a good haul of relatives as you can see by the group shot. We were missing two of the eight siblings and quite a few of the younger family members but it was great to see the ones I did. Everyone but me brought menu items for our picnic and it was delicious. The little ones had a tea party and my Dad still has a wicked Crokinole shot.

It was a bitter sweet Father's Day since my Dad's health is failing. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the family members closer to home who have been making sure he is taken care of and keeping close tabs on him.