Finally the sun is out, and last night—as it slipped behind the Dock Street Theatre—we celebrated the golden hour with the Lowcountry’s best poetry reader, reading her own work
I may have found the true Palmetto State prize in the Nikki Haley beat-down heard (and seen) 'round the world, and it didn't fall out of the governor's paper mache face
Post Hunger Games, I'm coming clean—reading it was not only a wildly entertaining step into the genre, but prompted my very own fiction renaissance, just in time for prime beach reading season
The artist reconfigures landscapes, reads good stuff, and will blow you away at Friday's Art Walk. Get to know her, and her bookshelf, before you mingle with her on Broad
It's Friday, time to take a break from the bleak War on Women, and dip into some good stories for a change. Lowcountry author Lisa Rentz has just the TGIF freebie you've been waiting for
Farmers' markets always inspire chili-making at Holly's house. This one uses early-season peppers and tomatoes and dresses them up with seasonal Swiss chard for off-the-charts flavor and nutrition.
More than ready for some wise solutions to the nation's long list of woes, I enlisted the help of my four-year-old nephews to help solve the problems. Turns out, not a bad strategy...
Not a touchy-feely person? Some might call you a "cold fish?" Without some good old-fashioned human contact, you may be missing out on an all-important link to the world around you