Python shoes, bags and accessories, Delicious meats, pastas and truffle-laden treats and a Big Top themed soiree to raise money for parks – just two nights in the Holy City!
We all know that deja vu is the phenomenon of having sensations that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past. I would like to call this story my Zenja vu. I felt the ancestral tug of my minuscule Indian blood when I saw this headdress and yet was very present in the moment with it like I was supposed to be here.
It’s like there is an entire generation who listened to their parents’ warnings not to get distracted by their hormones and to keep their eyes on the prize.
The NRA wants gun purchases to be as easy as getting a cheeseburger—it’s more money for them and their buddies. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-gun. I just want it to be harder for citizens to obtain one.
HIV/AIDs denialism is a mindset that will set you up for failure in a city that is ranked as having the 18th highest new HIV case rate in the United States—Charleston, South Carolina.