Hundreds of Charleston "rogue runners" are playing hooky from work today in a "black ops marathon" that omits red tape, adds three bridges, and includes plenty of beer on Folly
Bikini season, anyone? Here's a Tuscan kale, a Greek salad with shrimp, and a cauliflower, white bean, and feta that'll help slim down your lunches in a hurry
What foods will get your skin glowing within weeks? What part of your diet should you kick to the curb? Here are 3 ways to fix flaky skin without spending a dime in the drugstore aisle
"Mommy Wars," "Having it All," the trendy new definition of a "Real" Woman... Here's a list of ridiculous things about parenting and well, LIVING, that ought to be chucked from everyday discourse
To get you ready for spring (and CFW!), I spoke with global makeup artist Juan Carlos Belmonte to learn the beauty looks on trend now. Spoiler: defined lips and eyes, and beautiful skin—SANS makeup
Looking to save face? Aging happens to the best of us, but here are some tricks for plumping, enlivening, youth-i-fying your pretty mug (including the very best and worst things you can do to it)
After juicing just about every fruit or veggie out there over the past week, I've made my decision. Here are my thoughts about this new "health" fad (plus a recipe for the Green Juice pictured here!)
Why are we showing the world our food? What UNIVERSE are we in with all the "selfies?" I emailed 20 or 30 people and asked what they consider the worst offenses. Here's the first, horrifying half:
Hiding from conflict at work, home, or anywhere isn't the answer, nor is expecting perpetual peace. Believe it or not, you can be good at dealing with the difficult. Here's five tips
It's mid January now... If you're not knocking your goals out of the park, hey, I hear you—but don't quit yet. Here are five simple strategies (rooted in yoga) that will help you stay on track
There have been a few times I thought I might die while running, but I didn’t think it might literally take years off my life. A new study argues running might not be as healthy as we think
Here are my five favorite places to grab some grub... (AND kick a hangover and be a better person and shout at strangers about football). Here we go....
Are you just going to stick with the same old routine, same rules, same boundaries? Just imagine what you could do if you kicked away your comfort zone (one small nudge at a time...)
Sometimes healing comes from the most unexpected places with the most unexpected people. Mine came from the pool at MUSC and lots of wise folks who've seen more, done more, endured more than I have
There's been a lot of buzz around this year's presidential race and we're not just talking Obama and Romney. Check out some of the politically steeped brews that have made headlines this year
Now's the time to plant the cool-season veggies that'll get you through the winter. For a low maintenance, space-savvy place to plant 'em, install a raised bed. Here's how!
If you've ever wondered about growing fruit—how, when, where do I start?—wonder no more! A new society's coming to Charleston that I think you will find a fruitful experience
What's become of your easily recognizable summer veggies, and WHAT IS GOING ON in the produce department? Here's some quinoa-stuffed squash to help you cope