
Steep, curvy roads. Cool mountain rivers. The bliss of books. Mulling on vacation, with thanks to the late Nora Ephron

Where have all the REAL foods gone? I prefer my chicken to have the svelte legs and thighs of a bridge runner, and I'll take my produce just as God intended it

Last week, we heard all about local gals’ dating pet peeves. Here is the gentlemen’s side of the story....

Stressed about last-minute guests? Don't be. My favorite cocktail staples are great for drop-ins... or impromptu anything

Elderflower cocktails, lychee martinis, blackberry margaritas... who said the same old characters always show up for happy hour?

Okay, I admit I struggled with this story for a bit. I had a hot flash, left to go get some snacks, forgot what I was doing, remembered what I was doing, and came back....

Have you bypassed Trader Joe's now that the buzz has died down? Don't be silly—you're missing out on a few very key items
