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Are you a detox expert or looking to try it out? We've got some tips on healthy and safe ways to rid your body of toxins and impurities.

In today's City Paper, cycling advocate Stephanie Hunt responded to an article that, two weeks ago, roused (mostly) a collective "huh?" from readers. Can her logic hush the histrionics?

You read that piece today, right? The one that said the government should be protecting us from our own bikes? Here are a few studies the author missed, plus the part that made me laugh out loud

The Manti T'eo story is weird, and yet it's currently drowning in the murky waters of Lance's arrogant mea culpa. Tim reminded us that those "dangerous" musician types may not be so bad after all

...a lot of things. The list of scandal makers in sports (and finance and Congress and so on) is growing. Sure, nobody's perfect, but I have to ask: Could rock and roll be the last noble profession?