
It's time to take another trip to Trader Joe's. While you're there, fill your cart with these easy and delicious items

The story of the little old lady who stopped into my cafe demanding answers—on coffee, road signs, vodka, and God, among other things

Get reading or get real? One gal wants to know if immersing herself in 50 Shades is helpful to her relationship? Carolyn's answer: Yeah, probably not...

Mindless mantras beat out fridge magnet philosophies when life doesn't make sense...

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but there are some very, very angry people on the Web. The angriest people are, of course, the Occupy types...

More than ready for some wise solutions to the nation's long list of woes, I enlisted the help of my four-year-old nephews to help solve the problems. Turns out, not a bad strategy...

Crying a river over the end of a relationship can wreak havoc on your skin—here, follow these no-fail secrets for facing the world again

Can you save a marriage when a husband brings hookers into the picture? Hmmm... maybe not
