
Hiding from conflict at work, home, or anywhere isn't the answer, nor is expecting perpetual peace. Believe it or not, you can be good at dealing with the difficult. Here's five tips

And no, I don't mean steroids. I've been debating lately whether or not to jump on the fruit juicing bandwagon, so I've decided to give it a go. But first, my reservations on the topic:

Feeling adrift? Not of what you bring to the table? Whether you're out of work or hitting a career crisis, here's a few ways to get your mojo back in a hurry

Did anyone else read this and feel a jolt of entrepreneurial, get-up-and-do-it energy? Here's why this blog resonates in a city like ours...

Writers Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain, authors of "Please Kill Me: An Uncensored Oral History Of Punk," come to West Ashley's Tin Roof Monday night. Here's my colorful chat with Legs...

"We each held our paper and pens, our smiles, ideas, and naïveté...." A Charleston entrepreneur's story that just might inspire us all to dream a little bigger, work a little harder... imagine more

Last week, blogger Tim Brennan got us thinking about artist-types and their predilection to suicide. As a psychiatrist, I had to weigh in (also, college kids? You need to read this)

It's a colorful way of recognizing bosses whose leadership lacks clarity, communication, and character—just vague, of-the-moment directives. Remind you of anyone? Do you toss 'em around, too?

Oh, it sounds tough. But I can predict who comes out on top of every single one of these "contests." Every time. Am I that good, or is it true that the house always wins... Find out here.

You need a lift on a Friday afternoon? Read this. Meet Leon, Harry, and the long arm of the law, as relayed by Cullen, likely from his lively stoop on Spring Street

Just your run-of-the-mill, hilarious, heartwarming, and frightening courtroom drama on Broad Street. It started on Spring (as my stories do) with a pair of well-intentioned wiseguys and $8 of shrimp

It's mid January now... If you're not knocking your goals out of the park, hey, I hear you—but don't quit yet. Here are five simple strategies (rooted in yoga) that will help you stay on track

"Time tricks," asking for help, giving negative people the boot... I'm hitting the New Year with a cheat sheet for finding balance with family, work, and everything in between. What are your tricks?

A lesson in simplification for the New Year: See things for what they are, whether a strapping beau's passing words or the right way to make a pastry. Think less, feel more... cook better

The guys in A Fragile Tomorrow have friends in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Yet locally, the power pop stars are virtually ignored. How 'bout we all take notice? We can start with their show TOMORROW

Facial hair: it's big deal for we men. From Ron Jeremy's '80s-porn-star stache to Collin Farrell's not-so badass goatee scruff, there are many different styles—making choosing one a daunting task

Kanye in a skirt, fist-pumping Rolexes, and 6 hours of prime-time TV—so went Sandy's relief concert. Comparing that to Katrina's has me wondering: what if a storm hit Chas? What would ours look like?

Kids making noises with their armpits, boiled peanut shells tossed out of windows, and cries of "He's touching me!", "How much further?", and "I have to pee!" Let's hear it for family road trips

Living in Chas, where temps can change drastically within a few hours, there's one skill that must be mastered: layering. Read on for 3 quick tips for doing so (plus a way score points with your lady)

They may have rhythm, good looks, and a magnetic personality, but I bet they don't have a refrigerator that looks like an amp. Here's this and more great gift ideas (from an award-winning blogger...)