
Adding childcare rooms to bars, drug insanity, whether I’m the creepy old guy at the end of the bar, YES you can buy me a beer, and a dozen other sleep-deprived musings

Need a laugh? Come on out to the Hippodrome this Wednesday night for a stellar line-up up comics to help raise funds for Joe Meli, a Charleston nightclub legend

Increase your libido, renew your energy, sleep better—the big lesson I learned in my mid 30s that helped bring my feel-good factor back (this is Blog 1 in a series on this topic)

Fleetwood Mac's 62-year-old Lindsey Buckingham gave an energetic and passionate solo performance at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center last Saturday, taking me back to my rock roots

So says my good friend and music promoter Joel Frank. That debate aside, come out to Home Team BBQ (W.A.) this Sunday for his venture's kick-off bash, with a ton of local (non-boy band) music

With the Last Summer on Earth tour here and as a proud and balding member of Gen X, I've got hard-core nostalgia for genre giants like Drivin N' Cryin, Cracker, BNL, and even the old gang at 96 Wave

As part of North Chuck's 40-year celebration, Earth Wind & Fire blew the roof off the North Charleston Coliseum Tuesday night, proving that they've still got it

Am I missing something? Just because my cohabitation partner in crime goes to a female personal trainer, do we really have to start ringing the anxiety alarm bells?

A look back at Paul Simon's "Graceland," a perfect album even 25 years later, and a peek at the anniversary package

Devin's half-year wrap-up of music deaths got us feeling a little nostalgic—for the Beasties, the Bee Gees, and diva Donna Summer (may she finally find a little of that hot, hot pasta...)

Less than halfway through the year we've lost two-dozen musical greats... Rock and roll heaven is filling up fast in 2012

How I fell in love with live music. (Hint: It's all Joan's fault)

It's a tough call, and us children of the 80s have it bad when weighing in on this gal's legacy (somehow, Jacko's was a little easier)

Coupled up? Not? No matter, here's a quick look at what I found for stepping out on the town on Valentine's Day

To get to this music writer's lyrical roots, you gotta go back... way back, to Star Wars, Ted Nugent, and a decade's worth of stolen copies of Rolling Stone.
