Word on the Street

See Andre Dubus III, the bestselling author of House of Sand and Fog, TONIGHT as part of Ashley Hall's Visiting Writers Series (ATTN aspiring writers: you'll want to read this...)

This week, after the confetti had settled from our big, bad, best-in-the-world Conde Nast nod, she had wise words for us all about what makes our old Southern city a choice place to live

Rock-n-rollers may be at Blackbaud Stadium this Saturday, but the truly hip will be at the Southeast Zine Fest. Here's why...

To our tourism cheerleaders at Conde Nast and readers the world over: thanks for the nod. Here's a resident's-perspective rundown of what makes our little big town tops

Fearless Felix proves to be one hell of a weekend warrior. But I believe his 24-mile free fall tells us more about what it means to be grounded than about zooming through space.

It's that time again—That BIG Book Sale starts today. Here's a good argument for why I shouldn't go, with plenty of William Baldwin-meets-Laurie Colwin reasons why I will

Barbara Hagerty's new book of poetry "Motherfish," and other lessons on casting the creative net and reelin it in, as learned in the class I'm currently taking: Life

Looking for that elusive creative muse? This writer muses on pantry moths, creativity and a little Monte Python

Who says writing has to be lonely? The Sophia Institute's retreat this weekend seeks to highlight the communal aspect of the craft... and why we could all use a little shared inspiration

Some of us live to eat, some of us write to eat, some of us live to write. If you're somewhere in the mix, take a break from 3 for $30 menu offerings and indulge at this weekend's writers' retreat

Amidst the driving rain, this one got right to the heart of our creative spirits. Add in the brilliant poem by local 8th grader Nina Howard, and receiving this post was simply an honor...

This Labor Day weekend, radically open your heart and mind to an inclusive, just way of being in the world. Lectures from poet, writer, revolutionary bell hooks start today

I long for school to be more hurricane-like, for the atmospheric conditions of public education to be ripe for downpours of creativity (like this swirling poem from an 8th grader at Moultrie Middle)

The world's first comic book cookbook debuts today, thanks to Charleston native Grady Hendrix and his wife, the vegetable whisperer, Amanda Cohen

Nora Zelevansky dispells myths about writing, publishing, and first-timer's luck. Come meet the charming author of Semi-Charmed Life... TONIGHT!

From here to there and back again, summer has us on the move. An OBX excursion, a New York Times essay, and Charleston's Vikki Matsis on the nuances of travel

Move over Michael Phelps... our favorite Olympian is Charleston sports writer Gary Smith. He sat down with "Word on the Street" to talk memorable moments, good stories, and a little table tennis

When words fail, let the music play. This Saturday's Marley Lion Music Festival will bring together our community to remember, celebrate, laugh, cry, and heal following the tragedy in our own backyard

Haley's veto was stomped. Guess we showed her....or will we? Let’s not let our local arts community die by our neglect

Dear Nikki Haley, your proposal to cut all SC arts funding is f@#$ing brilliant. Might as well drain the Charleston harbor while you're at it