What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Do We Need to Tell the World We're Perfect?

When is it time to strike "alleged" from the accusations?

Charleston has some pretty sobering AIDS stats: get tested!

When the Big O is the Big Oh No Way

You need a good reason for moving in together.

Ignore the great relationship advice

Any relationship, sexual or not, is full of the ghosts of relationships past.

I watched "Fifty Shades of Grey" so you don't have to.

Local 616 owner Dwayne Mitchell, recently voted Charleston's best bartender, speaks out on how we hook up.

What wisdom would you text your younger self?

A little cheesecake for the holidays

Bringing your lover home for the holidays? Here are five white lies to help you out.

Blogger Helen Mitternight explores how we mask our least favorite physical traits.

Does marriage still come before kids?

We want breakfast all day, and restaurants hear us!

Guys and gals, get ready for the rubbers of the future.