
"My nephew has HDADD, high definition, attention deficit disorder. He can barely pay attention, but when he does, it's unbelievably clear." Steven Wright

How do you promote or share your work with others & what advice can you give to other creatives in your field? How do you self-promote when you're not a born self-promoter?

How political correctness is killing honesty and creativity

Specs on Apple's newest products and tweets about them that'll make you chuckle.

Fashion Week is HERE and if you're wondering if there are any do's and don'ts, let blogger Andrew C. Peterson tell you how to behave at the tents from his years of experience.

Sweet Joseph it might snow in Charleston, and along with everyone's doomsday preparations and their Tweets to record it, we've picked a few hilarious "snowflakes" that stand out.

Highlights of last night? Clouds, balloons, #twitterception, a coyote, new tracks from Elise, and presentations by Sully Sullivan, Ayoka Lucas, Marcus Amaker, Nathan Durfee, and more. All that here

Late-night comedians, 904; Carlos Danger, zip (up please). Watch Stephen Colbert and company zing Wiener while we in Charleston rejoice: BOO-YA, this pants-dropping politician is out of state

Watching A-Rod got me thinking: How does someone—be it a baseball player, a writer, or a band—go from the minors to the majors? Here are my 4 CRITERIA for being a great band (or artist, or employee..)

Kevin Johnson, Charlotte Jenkins, Nathalie Dupree, and a round-up of tweets. Plus, does it matter whether her Southern cooking passes muster or not?

"We don’t live in the information age. That would be an insult to information..." Have we become the communication equivalent of big-box stores? Pumping out cheap drivel? 5 WAYS we can sound smarter

My attempts at Twitter and text-speak had me sounding a little too much like a Macaw—hello, good-bye, have a good day, call me... Here's what happened when I adopted different rules of engagement

Six quick tips for keeping your private life, well... private online, especially when it comes to location tagging