
Watching A-Rod got me thinking: How does someone—be it a baseball player, a writer, or a band—go from the minors to the majors? Here are my 4 CRITERIA for being a great band (or artist, or employee..)

You read that piece today, right? The one that said the government should be protecting us from our own bikes? Here are a few studies the author missed, plus the part that made me laugh out loud

Can emotional scars make awesome tunes? Do well-adjusted teens signal the end of quality rock? I may have a solution

So it wasn't the relaxing getaway we imagined (thanks to a towed car and lost keys), but our weekend trip to Greenville had some highlights—like enjoying tales told by a native and a bite of Bavaria

Last week's arrest of our own hometown Bernie Madoff redefined the term "wedding crasher." Are wiseguys and raging opportunists around ever corner? One author says yes.

Sex, drugs, and... well, suicide sells. Why artist types can't imagine themselves out of misery, and why the music industry can't get enough of it. (Caution: I don't have answers, just big questions)

A basic leadership rule is to praise others in public and give criticism in private. As I learned first-hand, though, not everyone agrees. Thus: three ways to gracefully handle public criticism

Though I'm fairly certain this piece will get me fired from Grit (and my wife has advised strongly against it), here it is... Six real-clear thoughts on breast-feeding in today's culture

Should you play at a big-name, cavernous venue like this if you can't draw the crowd, or are you better off at the Tin Roof with a couple dozen devoted fans? Here's what happened (and my answer)...

The artist reconfigures landscapes, reads good stuff, and will blow you away at Friday's Art Walk. Get to know her, and her bookshelf, before you mingle with her on Broad

Shepherd's Pie was the idyllic dish for celebrating St. Patrick's Day, but keep this recipe around for early spring feasts (note: it's encased in pie pastry!)
