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Ever thought reality TV could teach lessons in the real world? Hunter Gardner and Jeremy McLellan give us their lists of lessons learned after this week's episode of Southern Charm.

Andrew C. Peterson's Q&A brings us inside the mind of fashion pro Julie Wheat of Cavortress, and her take on makeup, clothing and accessories on and off the runway.

The Confession Booth is back! Make sure you "tell all" this week at the 2014 Charleston Fashion Week Confessional Booth. Here are some of the best Hunter Boone brought us from last year.

It's festival season here in Charleston and what better way to start that off than with a play by play of our own Wine and Food Festival. Kinsey Gidick calls the plays from start to finish.

Hunter Gardner is back in front of his TV, and along with Jeremy McLellan and Peter Schwartz, he takes a closer look at the dynamics of the Bro Code and how kindergarten crushes work, or don't.

We couldn't help but make Hunter Gardner's street interviews our Blog of the Week with his hilarious questions and quick jabs at Charleston's very own reality show. Well done sir, well done.

When three comedians sit down and watch Southern Charm together, this is what happens. Hunter Gardner, Jeremy McLellan, and Lauren Krass have a round-table discussion about Charleston's finest.

A black light, some grammar lessons, and a new goal for every single woman to strive for is all we need after Bravo's latest series of videos was released, covering the cast of Southern Charm.

This week's Blog of the Week investigates women's powdery armor against the world; makeup. Some women don't need it, all women use it, but when can you allow your man to see you without it?

Take a walk inside the mind of one of Charleston's most aspiring young entrepreneurs as blogger Desmond Kinlaw interviews Venita Aspen one on one. This is one young lady we haven't seen the last of.

The blog that got us pointing at the author and shouting, "YES! WHAT HE SAID, WHAT HE SAID!" Plus! What if someone could actually sniff out your lies? Someone liiiiiiike... Jimmy Kimmel? See it here

Actually, don’t call it lying. It’s fiction. Entertainment. Reality. Ethical? Who cares? Lately, rewards from lying are getting greater—just ask Elan Gale or the waitress who faked a bit of bigotry...

Plus! This one video will make you want to put your phone in the other room and leave it there... (well, after you text everyone to tell them that's what you're doing). Watch it and be frightened

And neither can we. How can a country get to the point where the spirit of our parties blinds us, and common sense is no longer a go-to for moving forward? It's not as intentional as you might think

What's all this talk about molly? Given that we share the same name, I feel the need to debrief

Answer: A man-made fiasco... Why none of us should be shocked that poop has started raining down in sheets (and tweets, and twerks...)

Here's why the Miley Cyrus episode clogging the Internet this week bugs me, but it's not what you think... (hint: it's kind of worse)

Better question: is YOUR bottom line getting any better? Take this fun 10-question quiz and enter to win $50 toward a sweet steak dinner at Burwell's (that'll take the sting out of economic woes)

Apparently he was busted early Monday morning on DUI charges in East Hampton. Are we offended he took his antics out of state? And what does this mean for the reality show?

Let freedom ring? The venomous chants and social media slamming don't represent the clear tone of the bell I would imagine freedom sounds like... Why silence isn't necessarily weakness