
The styles of the best dressed were out when our newest blogger headed upstate to the second annual Artfields event to view the variety of artistic talent and survey Streetstyle on Awards Day.

Have you ever wanted to be on a reality show? Do you want to tell the world your story on national television? Do you just want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Here's your chance...for all of those.

Are you letting the "cost of money" determine what you place your value in? Not everything that's of worth can be bought. Here's a wake up call that will get you thinking about what you're spending.

"When the f&%$ did feminism and one-night stands become the same thing?" That and more reader reactions to last week's blog post on today's so-called hook-up culture...

I've noticed social media is teeming with gals sexing up their profile pics, and stats back up this trend—my question is, where's our spirit, personality, wit, and quiet wisdom in all this?

Now if I could just get them to make a pizza that tells me who the dad is....

PMS, High T, Low T, HRT... TNT—commercials pound these acronyms into our brain. I know they're legit, but these maladies really just give both genders an excuse to let our hormones get the best of us

This blog is just fun on a Friday. What do you think? A stint or two in rehab, a made-up name, petty theft, relentless entitlement—is this really our version of awesome?

What does this country need more of? Math and science whizzes using reasoning and logic to take us further, higher... or entitled celebs diluting societal norms with wildly unoriginal antics

Sound(wo)men. Hate 'em or love 'em, the people who work the knobs at your gig can control your fate. Here I explain how, and give examples of what NOT to ask them (e.g. Hey man, where's the bathroom?)

We loved Jane's anecdote—where she went from former Fortune 500 telecommunications exec to '60s-era secretary in a hot minute—because she forced us to decide: What would WE do in her shoes?

Recently, an older man in a business club I belong to downtown, beckoned me—a stranger—to come take notes for him on a call, then dismissed me. Decision time: SEETHE, or SEIZE the moment?

Okay (gulp) we admit it... we women can get a little competitive. This Grit gal turned the spotlight on high, handed us a mirror, and said, "Hey! Cut. It. Out."

Turns out those Gossip Girls are more realistic than the Ya-Yas or Traveling Pant sisters. Ladies: are you steamrolling your fellow females?

It's no secret: recruiting the best employees is a challenge. Using social media will help—but only if you use it correctly. Here are tips (like which site's the most effective) for doing just that

This Labor Day weekend, radically open your heart and mind to an inclusive, just way of being in the world. Lectures from poet, writer, revolutionary bell hooks start today

At the office, sloshed coffee can go a long way toward shifting gender stereotypes, plus more useful tips

Last week, we heard all about local gals’ dating pet peeves. Here is the gentlemen’s side of the story....

It's Friday, time to take a break from the bleak War on Women, and dip into some good stories for a change. Lowcountry author Lisa Rentz has just the TGIF freebie you've been waiting for
