
We've all closed up shop for the holiday weekend, and will be back blogging on Monday. But we're leaving you with our top 5 picks for upcoming festivities, because get ready: the holidays are ON...

Meet Society Street's Little Black Dress—the new kid on Charleston's retail block. See some of the knockout frocks shown recently at their fall fashion show at Republic & hear what else they offer

Charleston exec Barbara Fowler tells you what nonprofits need most (and it's not necessarily a stacked payroll), and how YOU can boost your philanthropic bottom line

You read that piece today, right? The one that said the government should be protecting us from our own bikes? Here are a few studies the author missed, plus the part that made me laugh out loud

Ready for a new path? Four strategic tips for how to prepare to make the jump, including squirreling away some cash and shoring up those all-important networks

I didn't do it to burn calories, reduce my carbon footprint, or save a few bucks on gas. So why DID I join the other Charleston Movers and bike commuters this morning? I'll tell you why...

The answer may surprise you. Here, Jacey Verdicchio reminds women everywhere not to live life as an apology, but rather, as a statement

Cool video and photos of a locally sourced "pop-up dinner" last week at the Old Charleston Jail... Travel & Escape Channel's "Illegal Eater" was there, BNL's Steven Page, too, and so was I

As a Valentine's present to me, we tried it, with comical results... But here are 5 ways yoga benefits our marriage, WITHOUT him giggling on the mat next to me.

Feeling adrift? Not of what you bring to the table? Whether you're out of work or hitting a career crisis, here's a few ways to get your mojo back in a hurry

Did anyone else read this and feel a jolt of entrepreneurial, get-up-and-do-it energy? Here's why this blog resonates in a city like ours...

"We each held our paper and pens, our smiles, ideas, and naïveté...." A Charleston entrepreneur's story that just might inspire us all to dream a little bigger, work a little harder... imagine more

Less watering, less weeding, and less expensive? Oh hi, hydroponics. Here's more about the growing technique (which is good for more than just harvesting pot), and an awesome shop on Meeting Street

Need a super-local way to dress up your door? Head to the Festival of Wreaths tonight at Charleston Place with Grit blogger Chassity Evans, designer Angie Hranowsky, artist Lulie Wallace, and more!

You probably have a wardrobe to suit each season, but do you have a different skin care regime and makeup routine to match?

Though I'm fairly certain this piece will get me fired from Grit (and my wife has advised strongly against it), here it is... Six real-clear thoughts on breast-feeding in today's culture

What's the new game of medicine? What the hell is epigenetics? What's this talk of sex stars? These questions answered, plus more on the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy, here

The sex stars—estrogen, progesterone and testosterone—get a lot of play, but the non-sex hormones are equally as crucial for vitality. Here's a list of those that'll have you feeling happy and healthy

In her first post on Grit, Heavy On the Veggie's Claire O'Bryan shares her foolproof ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily eats

Will supplementary hormones make you feel better? That depends on how close they come to the real thing