
Blogger Helen Mitternight explores how we mask our least favorite physical traits.

Plus: How to fix the bullying problem that's leaving teen casualties in its wake? Here are two ideas, and they don't involve celebrity spokespeople

The other evening I lost it after watching an NBC Nightly News story about a 12-year-old who committed suicide due to bullying. So, here's a few words on why we should celebrate the GOOD in others

Did you know that too many carbs can literally sugar-coat the skin (and not in a good way...)? And what happens when you skimp on sleep? Here are my quick fixes...

Increase your libido, renew your energy, sleep better—the big lesson I learned in my mid 30s that helped bring my feel-good factor back (this is Blog 1 in a series on this topic)

The key to preventing unsightly skin conditions is understanding what I call "the body garden" (hint: what's happening in your mind may be wreaking havoc on your skin and digestive system, too)